Bakharev Arthur
Hello everyone !
My name is Arthur, I from Labytnangy in Russia. This year was my first time in Jelgava the Bartulis and Skrastins camp. I would like to say thanks for everything to organizers of that great camp and our coaches who have been with us every day and even spending their personal time as they were taught us new skills. Time that I spend in camp was awesome. Here I’ve been met new friends from different countries. Eeverything was wonderful. Camp was located in very picturesque place and our hotel was equipped with all modern facilities. There were bowling and billiards in it, so we had so much fun here. The meals were fantastic and always on time. Our coaches were the real professionals and famous high profile national team players. Every day we had different activities on and off the ice.I enjoyed trainings a lot. It was really interesting for me. Every day I’ve learned something new about hockey. We had so much fun when we played and trained with our coaches. I feel that through this camp my skills have been improved. Now I know more about puck Ctrl , slap shot, the hockey stance position and I can well use these skills while playing. I am very glad that I was lucky to visit this wonderful camp, so I hope to come back here again next year. СПАСИБО всем ! Это лучший лагерь!